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FREN 315: Imposteur! Faking and False Identities in French & Francophone Drama and Film

TuTh 9:30-10:45am, Dey 205, Prof. Ellen Welch (

Stories of imposture, disguise, and mistaken identity have provided a great source of dramatic tension and humor in French-language theater and films. They also raise fascinating cultural and philosophical questions about personal identity: do “clothes make the man,” or is it more true to say (as the French expression goes) that “l’habit ne fait pas le moine?” Do categories of identity based around class, gender, nationality or religion remain stable if a skilled performer can transgress them with persuasive words and a good costume? How can one get over a case of mistaken identity, or stolen identity? How do we prove our identities, to each other and to ourselves? Authors studied include Molière, Marivaux, De la Chenelière, and others. This course is designed for French majors and minors as well as any student interested in French-language drama, film, and performance. Pre-requisites: FREN255 or FREN260. Pre- OR co-requisite: FREN300. *Taught in French. Counts for FREN minor/major.

Prerequisites:  FREN 255 or FREN 260.  Pre/Corequisite: FREN 300.

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